MY crew
THE crew
Thanks Carolyn and Katy! SO FUN.
Just being silly.
Or serious.
And this little bee...
she might have made my whole life with her cuteness.
Trick-or-treating with Avery might be one of the funnest (not a word) things I have ever done.
For. Reals.
You weren't there so you wouldn't know.
She loooooooooved it. No stroller necessary, she walked (read: ran) on her own for over an hour - bee wand in one hand, candy bag (or purse, as she called it) in the other.
Laughing. Running. Laughing. Falling. Laughing. Yelling.
Yes yelling. You know, things like
Thank you Avery. Halloween was worth it : )
Also noteworthy:
Alex picked out her and Avery's costumes - all her idea to match. Cutest ever.
When I was ready to bail with Avery, Paul made it home just in time to keep going with the big kids. He saved the day.
Noah outlasted everyone (as in he was trick-or-treating his way home with his friends dad, minus his friend. Thank you Kevin). Never seen such a haul.
Happy Halloween!
Now I can even say that and mean it : )