For anyone who still checks this blog...the Gunn family is alive and well in Rochester, Minnesota! The past month has been eventful (the next post will be a re-cap) but we are trying to settle down to normal life in our new home. That is if we ever finish unpacking! So far, we love Rochester. We also love being in our own home - although I will admit home ownership is MUCH more stressful than renting (big surprise, huh).
The move has been a bit of an adjustment for the kids - they are alternately bouncing off the walls excited or heartbroken and in tears about it. We all miss our friends in Cleveland. But overall, they're doing better everyday.
Yesterday was hilarious - it was day 3 in our new home and new city and we enjoyed a lovely picnic in our backyard that afternoon.
Less than 2 hours later this is what it looked like outside
Welcome to Minnesota!!! That was the worst hail storm - make that the worst any kind of storm I've ever personally witnessed. I couldn't stop laughing, it was just the craziest thing. At noon it was 78 degress and sunny - at 2pm, in a matter of minutes it was dark and cold with rain, thunder, lightning, and ENORMOUS hail coming down like you wouldn't believe. The pictures really don't do it justice.
So, with that being said, we would love to have don't all raise your hands at once :)
Love and miss you all - keep in touch!