Sunday, March 15, 2009

Check it out

The number of shots Noah got the other day, in preparation for Kindergarten...

and the number of years until Noah needs any more shots.
Look at that happy face

Background:  Noah hates to get shots.  Previous experiences include having to move the table in the doctors office to pull him out of his hiding spot and calling in several extra nurses to help me hold him down.  All this followed by HOURS of Noah screaming.  And this was just 6 months ago, when we got our flu shots.  So you can imagine how excited I was about taking him in for 4 shots.
We've been prepping him for awhile.  All kids who want to go to kindergarten have to get these 4 shots.  This caused him no small amount of anxiety.
Then, about 2 weeks ago, Noah suddenly announced he was ready for his shots.  But things are hectic around here (as usual) and I didn't get around to making the appointment.  Until last Friday, at 4pm when Noah got mad at me saying, "Mom, why haven't you scheduled my appointment yet?!?"  I called right then and there - and got him an appointment for Monday afternoon.
To encourage Noah to be brave, we told him he could go to the "Bounce House" afterwards.  That got him excited.  Noah was on the countdown all weekend.
And suddenly, there we were, in the doctors office on Monday afternoon.  Noah was calm and talkative and I was so nervous I thought I was gonna puke.  Noah kept saying, "I hope they call my name next!"
He didn't get nervous until they had him lay back on the table - and then I could see it all over his face.  He got 2 sets of 2 shots at a time, in the thighs.  He cried while they were going in (so did I) but as soon as it was over, he was fine.  Although he did make a rule that no one could touch his legs except for him.  He made me promise to tell dad "no wrestling."  The best part?  Noah learned he doesn't need any more shots until he's 13.
So we headed to the Bounce House, where Noah had an absolute blast with his little sis and his legs didn't bother him one bit.
I would like to thank Jocelyn Jackson, Noah's friend and inspiration for getting his shots.  (She got hers first.)


Sarah said...

I am so glad that it went so well! Yay Noah for being so brave! I still need to get Anna her kindergarten shots... actually I don't think she knows she has to get them yet... uh oh... ;)

Sarah said...

Way to go Noah! Now, maybe I can convince Kayleigh that it is time to get hers.

robyne said...

I used to cry when my kids had to get shots too! It sucks to see your kids hurt (I wish I could say it is easier when they are teenagers) Parenting is tough stuff.

Tiffany said...

Good job, Noah, for being so brave!! :)

Faye said...

Wow Noah! You are growing up so fast. You better come out to see Grandma right away before you get one bit older!

mnjacksons said...

Way to go Noah! I am glad Jocelyn could help. She hates shots too and is so excited that she doesn't need them for a while. i did not want to tell her about next years flu shot. we will deal with that when the time comes. Funny kids! love ya

Michele said...

im so glad you get an 8 year break summer. noah too of course. but the stress leading up to this event is too much. now if only alex got to be shot free...

Carrie Anne said...

oh what a good boy! i've heard that it's good to have them move around a lot afterwards so that the vaccine can get moving through the body so it doesn't hurt as much for as long. can he please train rebecca on how to be mature about shots?:)

Unknown said...

Yeah Noah! I can't believe he's starting Kindergarten next year. how exciting! So, I have totally stayed at the gym way past what I meant to because a good show was on tv too. I missed the Bachelor this year. I'll have to wait for reruns because I normally am very addicted to the show :)

JohnK said...

You are so brave and I am proud of you!
Grandpa Gunn