On her first day of preschool...
Alex looked like this

Ok so I'm a mean mom and insisted on the picture - even though she'd been having one emotional breakdown after the other, all morning long.
Maybe it was just the day - or maybe she got nervous at the last minute.
She's been so excited about preschool and woke up this morning eager to get ready for the big day.
And then the breakdowns began.
And then I insisted on a picture.
And then she insisted she couldn't possibly wear her backpack because it touches her bum.
On the way to school it was:
"No one talk to me - only daddy can talk to me!"
Daddy was at work.
"I need something to suck on!"
and me reminding her (as I've been doing all summer) that we don't take blankys or stuffed animals to preschool.
Her preschool has curbside pick-up and drop-off (best thing ever) but I asked her if she wanted me to walk her in on her first day:
"No! I want the teacher to get me, not you!"
And then we arrived and it was:
"Mommy will you help me find my cubby?"
Noah and I walked her in and helped her find her cubby.
And then she clung to me and whimpered,
"I wish you could stay, I'm going to miss you so much!"
And then the teacher took her by the hand and we left.
When we picked her up she was happy as can be.
She ran and got her backpack, and put it on like an expert
(the same backpack that touches her bum)
gave me a kiss
told me she had so much fun
(her favorite part was singing songs)
and then said,
"I didn't have anything to suck on and I didn't even cry!"
So proud.
And so was I.
Way to go Alex!
We love you!
And just so I don't forget...
Noah has been so cute about Alex starting preschool. He has taken it upon himself to teach her the ropes. Last night before bed he insisted on 5 minutes alone with Alex in her bed so he could tell her "some really special and important things."
Of course I listened from the hallway.
He told her all kinds of things - like how much fun it was going to be, what kinds of activities she would do, and what kinds of snacks she would have - while she listened, asked questions, and giggled with excitement.
One of those mommy moments that melts your heart.
Thanks for being a great big brother Noah : )
We love you too!