Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Today was one of those days

you know...

the kind where you haven't seen your husband/father in 31+ hours.
the kind where you load up the kids at 6pm and head straight for the Wendy's drive-thru.
you can't actually go inside because you're all wearing sweats (or tight fitting pterodactyl pj's if you're Noah.)
the kind where you wished you'd taken a picture of the boy in said pj's bundled up against the sub-zero temperature (think big coat, beanie, mittens...and tight pants on skinny little legs) but you just couldn't handle one more thing at the moment.  So you settle for a good laugh and lock the picture away in your memory (or describe it on your blog so when you forget, it's here to remind you).
the kind where your almost 3-year old makes it across the balance beam all by her-big-girl-self at gymnastics and you've never seen her more proud - and you're right there with her.
the kind where the cuteness of said almost 3-year old has worn off before 11am and you spend the rest of the day doing way too much yelling.
the kind where you do your grocery shopping (alone!) at 9:30pm.  in your pepto-bismol colored sweats. 
the kind where your sister calls you with very exciting news.
the kind where you show up at your good friends house at 9pm cuz you need to borrow something.  and then you talk her ear off for 30 minutes.  and think about how lucky you are to have said friend.
the kind where you come home and eat a chocolate bar with a big glass of milk at 10pm because it's wednesday-treat-day...except you've already had a donut from Kwik Trip and 4 oreos from the cupboard earlier today.
the kind where you snuggle up with your kids to watch American Idol and that cute-little-naughty-little almost 3-year old falls asleep in your lap.

and you's all worth it
[but maybe not the chocolate bar (?)]


JoAnna said...

Oh phew!! I'm so glad you had treats! I was feeling rather guilty!!!

Carrie Anne said...

oh that is great! love love love it! i might be copying you on this AGAIN! that's because you are my hero! i am so impressed that you go out in the freezing cold!!!! man i miss you!

SKIPR said...

I LOVE your blog!!

Steph & Wade said...

You can talk my ear off anytime! Please remember that I'm the lucky one. And BTW, I thought your pepto sweats were rather fun.

Carrie Anne said...

um....the energy comes from cherry coke zero...i just gave up on giving it up right now. it's taken me how many years to get here? rebecca is over 6 now? yeah...don't feel bad about anything! you have a husband who is gone how many hours every week? you are an awesome mother!!!

[BrookeO] said...

Oh Sum. I love ya! You know that don't you?!

Sarah said...

I love it. It sounds like an amazing day and I could picture Noah perfectly from your description. Too cute!

Tiffany said...

I think the chocolate bar sounds worth it...
What's this "Wednesday is treat day" nonsense? EVERY day is treat day...especially when you are pregnant like me and you crave chocolate like crazy

robyne said...

Hey the chocolate is always worth it, even when you have teenagers.(did I say even...I mean especially)