Today my little brother came home.
He has been working hard serving as a missionary for our church in Mexico.
For the last 2 years.
It was 2 years ago today that we all said goodbye to him.

And today, everyone in my family was there to meet him at the airport.
Except me.
Sometimes living so far away, having a husband with zero control over his schedule, and having 3 crazy kids is hard.
But this post, this day, this moment is not about me.
Welcome home Tanner.
We love you and we're proud.
Can't wait to see you next week!
But in the meantime, luckily for me, I've got this cutie in my arms. Her smiles can brighten any kind of day.
Someone told me recently she looks like she came out of a box.
I think that was a compliment?
This picture made me think of all the little baby dolls in boxes, down that aisle in Target that me and Alex are so familiar with.
Yesterday she turned 4 months old.
And she rolled over for the first time.
she's been trying hard for awhile
Noah was so excited about it, watching every movement and cheering her on.
While she was working at it he insisted that once she rolled we would
"call dad immediately"
Have I mentioned lately how much these two love each other?
Lastly, today
a cold snowy husbandless day
we spent 3 1/2 hours at McDonald's playland with good friends.
It was awesome.