Friday, October 29, 2010

just tilt your head to the side

I'm still not used to it...coming around the corner to see Av toddling down the hall. Makes me laugh every time : )


Faye said...

Look at her go! What a cutie.

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh!!!!! I love it! I love the unbalanced zombie-like walk when they just start walking! SO CUTE! Can't wait to see it in person next month...her and Madden will be running around together when just last thanksgiving they both laid in their boppies and drank their bottles during thanksgiving dinner...remember that?? :) CANNOT wait to see you guys soon! xoxo

Michele said...

this is freakin adorable. her face in that first video when she first looks up at your made me and john both laugh out loud, what a cute grin.

ps, just wanted to point out that not only does tiff tell the longest stories, but she also leaves the longest comments. jus sayin.

Tiffany said...

lol. shut it shel.

Tiffany said...

p.s. I just played these videos for Madden and he had the BIGGEST smile on his face the entire time and then he clapped for her at the end, ha ha!