My Brother's Wedding.
I smile every time I look at this picture, remembering all that was going on and being said in the moment. My dads comment was, "Why is there so much damn drama in this family??!"
Let's just leave it at that : )

Alex's Surgery.
It was just tubes in her ears. Fast. Uncomplicated.
But also.
Seeing my little girl in surgical scrubs.
Watching her get piggy-backed off to the OR without me.
Hearing her screams as we headed back to see her in recovery.
Holding her limp and flailing little body as she screamed and cried for a good hour afterwards.
Maybe shooting my husband a look or two - the kind that means "Ithoughtyousaidthiswouldbenobigdeal?!?"
(although I now realize he had no idea what those looks meant - he says I speak in code)
But also.
Her mask smelled like strawberry candy.
She ate lots of popsicles.
They let her keep "Pudding" the puppy.
And Avery liked her scrub cap.
Father Son Ski Trip.
Noah's first time.
2 1/2 days on the mountains in Utah - saying that Noah loved is an understatement.
Noah called me after his first lesson and said, "Mom, it's so easy. I can totally ski. I go like 20 mph mom."
All day everyday he said to Paul, "This is so awesome dad. This is awesome."
He also told Paul the blues were "easy" and he wanted to do some black diamonds - which is when Paul had to draw the line.
Noah's new favorite sport. Paul couldn't be more proud.
A great experience for the both of them, it makes me so happy : )
Alex's 5th Birthday. And Paul's 32nd.
They share. They like it that way.
Took Alex and a few of her little girlfriends to the movies on Saturday - they were hilarious.
Opened presents on Sunday.
Paul and Noah put together Alex's doll-house (just what Paul wanted to do on his birthday I'm sure) the only thing she asked for this year.
And Avery decided she needed her picture taken too.
A good day.
And in case you are not on Facebook...
Paul's Status Update
Which he wrote after having taken an Ambien.
I was reading (and laughing) over his shoulder as he typed and tried to stop him (unsuccessfully) from posting it.
He has since deleted the post. But it was loooong.
He thanked people for the birthday wishes including those, "loved and hated and now just loved"
And said things like, "keep spreading the love Facebook"
Um. Yeah. Paul about died when he woke up and saw that on FB this morning.
Can't stop laughing about it : )
And that about wraps things up.