Thursday, December 20, 2007

And we're done...

with interviews that is. Hurray! I know I was blogging for awhile about the different interview invitations that Paul received but we didn't accept all of them. So, here is a complete list of everywhere that we've interviewed:

Cleveland Clinic
University Hospitals (Cleveland)
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN)
Mayo Clinic (Scottsdale, AZ)
Oregon Health & Science (Portland)
Stanford (Palo Alto, CA)
University of Colorado (Denver)
University of Utah (Salt Lake City)

So, what's it going to be? Ohio, Minnesota, Arizona, California, Oregon, Colorado, or Utah? We've got a pretty good idea of how we want to rank things but I'm not supposed to put it out there on the internet - so, if you're interested ask me in person and I'll let you know. We'll turn our rank list in sometime in February and then we wait...Match Day is March 17th!!! We'll keep you posted! I hope I don't have an anxiety attack in the meantime : )


Carrie Anne said...

Oh good luck! That is so exciting! I want to know your order of choices, but only when you have some time.:)

Lexie said...

It was so fun to talk to you about your list, I can't wait for match day, I am so excited for you!