It's about time I got around to this post: Easter
At the last minute I realized that my kids are probably old enough to decorate eggs. So on Saturday morning I tackled that project with the kids...alone. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was having them at the table while I was still trying to get set up - the result was me running back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room while the kids started without me - which resulted mostly in fighting, crying, and much spilled dye. Mistake #3 was thinking that my 2-year old was ready for this project. Let's just call it a learning experience.

Needless to say, the eggs were nothing fancy.

The funniest part was that as soon as the last egg had been dipped in dye (and I literally mean the second after) Noah and Alex started cracking all their pretty eggs and eating them. So much for enjoying their handiwork - or mine

And the only thing those egg-dippers came in handy for was egg-eating.

At least this project fulfilled one role - it was both breakfast and lunch for my kids.
Sunday morning we woke the kids early enough to do an egg-hunt before church.

Noah was so into it - really excited about everything.

He was even "helping" and "sharing" with Alex...

until she got the hang of it. Alex is so funny because half the time she doesn't know what's going on she just follows her big brother around and does what he does. Same story with the easter egg hunt. She was really excited about running around with her basket but it took her a little while to figure out what it was she was supposed to be doing or be excited about.

Then one of her eggs popped open...and the secret was out.

The eggs were full of candy!!!

So this is what Alex looked like for the rest of the morning

Look at that face! She gave us major attitude when we tried to get her to collect eggs rather than eat candy.

All in all, it was a success. We were even EARLY for church. Unbelievable. After church we let the kids open their presents. They got Toy Story from mom and dad (because we lost it ages ago). From Grandma and Grandpa Hunt Alex got a set of Disney Princess dolls that you can dress up and Noah got a bag full of plastic ocean creatures. Both were a huge hit! They've been playing with them non-stop and even taking them with us when we go places. For example...Monday we headed to Target to let the kids spend the $ that Grandma and Grandpa Gunn sent them for Easter. Alex brought "mermaid" (of course) and Noah refused to leave the house until he'd packed up his entire bag of sea creatures. The kids had no trouble spending the money from Grandma and Grandpa or deciding which toy to get. They both got a set of Disney characters: Alex picked the Cinderella ones and Noah's set was a mix of Incredibles and Monsters Inc. The easter toys are all we've played with since. Noah's characters/sea creatures are usually trying to "get" Alex's princesses while she tries to save them. Amazing how long this can keep them occupied...
The other day Alex picked up one of her Cinderella's, gave her a hug an a kiss, and said, "Mommy, she's my favorite friend!" Noah has gotten into the weird habit of requesting baths at odd hours of the day, so he can play with his sea creatures in the water.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, way to go Grandmas and Grandpas. The gifts were a huge success.
I've totally digressed from Easter Sunday, but it was pretty low-key. Paul had to be in to work at 4pm so we had an early dinner and let daddy relax and get ready for his all-night shift. It was a good day - hope yours was too : )
P.S. I have seriously forgotten that out west Easter is a spring holiday. To me, here in Cleveland, March is still the dead of winter. Even in past years, when Easter has been in April it's been cold and/or snowy. So we've never done an outside easter egg hunt. And I didn't bother to get the kids a "spring" outfit for church. We dressed in our usual winter wear and were nice and cozy : )