Alex can "see her nose"
pretty much one of the funniest things I've seen lately.
Except for the other day, when Alex was yelling at me, scratching her crotch and picking her nose all at the same time.
Right now her frequent phrase is,
"I can't get the heck of this!"
when she can't get the hang of something.
Mixing up words is something she does a lot of these days. It leads to troublesome phrases like asking for "daddy's dirty picture book" when what she means is his gross picture book
(what Noah and Alex call his medical books)
or calling the character in the Madeline movie "Sugar Nipples" when her actual name is Sugar Dimples.
Alex is a handful.
Speaking of which...
Our pediatrician told me yesterday at the doctors office that Avery is "feisty."
I wanted to say, "Have you met my other children???"
Pretty sure we don't make any other kind. (Ahem, remember what I said about being done?)
Speaking of the doctors office, Avery has bronchiolitis.
She is a sickly baby. Can you be sickly and fat at the same time? Avery is. She's been sick more than half of her life.
It's been a bad winter for sickness in our household. Is it because we have a kindergartner? A kindergartner and a preschooler? Or just bad luck? Either way, poor Avery has gotten the brunt of it. Which, in turn, is hard on me.
Speaking of which...
I got a stomach bug last week. As I was laying in misery on my bathroom floor I was thinking about how completely unable to cope with nausea and vomiting I have become. I've survived three pregnancies and I've hit my limit. I cannot stand being sick to my stomach. Haven't I paid my dues?!?!?
some other stuff...
I'm pretty sure that getting to the gym several times a week and having a garage door opener that actually worked (the first time you pushed the button!) would significantly lower my stress level and drop my blood pressure about 20 points.
Paul recently pointed out my special talent of always having cold Diet Cokes ready to go in the fridge. Before the old case is empty the new case has been dutifully placed in the fridge - overnight, for ideal temperature. We might run out of milk to drink or clean clothes to wear but there will always be a cold Diet Coke waiting. And that makes everything better, right? It's all about priorities people.
Avery's hospital binky: found
And we now have 2 identical backups (thanks Sarah!)
Reading "War and Peace" just might take the next 6 months of my life.
At the rate I'm going.
And have you read the "Dumb Bunnies" books?
Not sure who loves'em more, my kids or Paul?
My favorite is watching Paul try to read them to the kids. Paul is laughing so hard at the book he can't hardly read, the kids are laughing at the book and their dad, and I'm laughing at all of it together.
mostly, life is good.