This is the post where I talk about how super cute my baby is and document all her amazing accomplishments thus far in life.
(Feel free to skip it.)
Avery is 6 months old.
And she's got the life.
Her wish is my command (and Noah's and Alex's and Dad's)
Really, is there ever any hope for last children?
Avery gets up multiple times a night.
Insists on being held 98% of the time.
Prefers her mamma to anyone and anything.
Still refuses to take anything but those *%&# hospital binkys (which bounce like rubber balls and disappear every time she drops them).
Does well in the car (especially if she can see her siblings) and will fall asleep in the carseat - but wakes immediately upon stopping.
Loves to be outside and does great in her stroller.
Is super ticklish.
Blows raspberries (so loud I have to take her out of church meetings) and does it while nursing, spraying me with milk - although that's better than when she does it with her solid foods.
Laughs hysterically at peek-a-boo.
Cannot get enough of her brother and sister.
Eats solids and loves it.
Still spits-up like no other.
Loves baths and splashes like a maniac.
"Sings" to us.
Does a super high-pitched squeal/scream when she's not getting enough attention.
Rolls both ways regularly now.
Can sort of sit up on her own.
(Does everything a tad bit late due to the fact that she must be held 98% of the time and still hates/refuses tummy time.)
Grabs her toes.
Has the most perfect little pink mouth.
Hates daddy's whiskers.
Loves to look in the mirror - tries to play with her own reflection and get to her mamma (who is already holding her).
Watches her daddy all the time, while giving huge smiles (and being held by mom).
Laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep just the other day - one of my most favorite moments.
Still loves to be swaddled, but with her arms out now.
Chews on her thumb.
Has the softest skin in the world with all kinds of rolls and chub.
Can (sometimes) get her binky into her mouth on her own.
Sleeps on her side now - rolls to the left as soon as you lay her down, even asleep.
Still has reddish hair.
Is pretty much the cutest funniest little thing in the world.
Don't you want to squeeze her and kiss her?
I can't stop myself.
We can hardly remember life without her - and at the same time I feel like I just had her.
How can she be halfway to 1???
I love how much the big kids love her. They are always willing to help with her and will do anything to make her happy. They love to hold her, kiss her, tickle her, play with her and make her laugh. Alex loves to help me bathe, lotion, and dress her. Often, they are in her room in the morning giving her the binky, turning on her mobile, and entertaining her before I even get out of bed. They cannot stand for her to be sad or upset. Every time Avery has a doctors appointment they ask me nervously if she will have to get shots - when the answer is yes, they usually start to cry - I have had to make other arrangements for Noah and Alex because it is too traumatic for them.
Avery has the best big brother and big sister.
(Although Alex still makes me too nervous to leave her in a room alone with Avery for more than a few seconds. She has the best of intentions, but...)