Tuesday, October 30, 2007
One of my least favorite things to do is buy stamps. You may be thinking, "what is so complicated about that?" And that is my question too - why on earth is it so hard to buy some stupid stamps?!? First of all, they are not sold at any of the places we regularly go...which means you have to make a special trip, or another stop, just for the stamps. Luckily, the library we frequent now has a stamp machine. Or at least it did. When we stopped there today we found that it had been removed. So, I loaded the 2 kids (who were in their halloween costumes, by the way) back into the car to run our other errands, knowing we would have to stop at the post office on our way home. But first we went to Target. I usually love Target, but Target and Alex don't really mix these days. She won't sit in the cart, won't let me hold her, and she won't stay by me. I "lost" her several times in the store and the last time I had to sprint to the down escalator which she was about to hop onto and tumble down. Wonderful. I got some pretty dirty looks from the shoppers who witnessed this almost catastrophe. After that I strapped her into the cart tight so she couldn't wriggle out and she screamed her way through the whole store - more dirty looks. Come on people, what do you want me to do? After we left Target it was on to the dreaded post office. The only post office near us is in the total and complete ghetto - seriously, it's scary. Alex of course fell asleep by the time we got there - so I parked right in front of the glass doors and was planning to dash into the lobby and buy a book of stamps from the machine while keeping an eye on my kids in the locked car. But, of course, you have to have exact change. Seriously, who carries around $8.20 in their wallet? Not to mention the machine only takes ones. And do you think they have a change machine anywhere? Of course not! That would make the whole process way to easy. So I run back out to the car, wake-up Alex and unload the kids and get into line inside the post office...because there is always a line. Today there was one person at the counter and one person in front of me - not too bad, right? Then why did it take 15 minutes to get to me?!? The whole time I'm waiting my kids are running laps around the room, climbing onto the shelves, banging on the glass display windows, and unloading packing supplies from the cart. Several times Alex got running a little too fast and took some hard falls (she's pretty tough) and the postman at the counter yelled at her to "Take it easy!" We finally got our stamps and I loaded 2 screaming kids back into the car. Paul happened to call me right then - I answered the phone with these words: "I need a vacation!" Lucky for me, I get one. Paul left this morning for a medical research conference in Miami, Florida and I meet him there on Thursday. My mom gets into town tonight to do Halloween with me and take care of the kids while we're gone. Paul and I have not taken a vacation alone together since our honeymoon - so I guess you could call this our secone honeymoon! I CAN'T WAIT!
My house smells like burnt broccoli
That's what I get for trying to blog and cook at the same time. Oops.
Noah the Disciplinarian
The other day Noah caught Alex doing something naughty and this is what I overheard him say to her:
"OK Alex, this is a really serious problem. REALLY, REALLY SERIOUS."
I guess that's what I sound like to Noah. It's always a little frightening to hear.
"OK Alex, this is a really serious problem. REALLY, REALLY SERIOUS."
I guess that's what I sound like to Noah. It's always a little frightening to hear.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Such a "girly" girl

Kid Quotes
"Mom, did you know there's nothing better than a letter?"
He got this from one of his PBS shows - he also learned how to spell "box" and I keep finding the word spelled on our fridge with his letter magnets - who said tv is bad for kids?
"Mommy, boys like dogs and girls like gum."
Alex sings all day long but she has started mixing up all of her songs. The other day she kept climbing up on her kitchen stool and jumping off. This is what she would say each time
"Ashes, Ashes - 1, 2, 3 - Blastoff!"
Some of her other frequent combinations are
"Jesus wants me for a sunbeam - Now I know my A, B, C's"
"Twinkle, Twinkle little star - Do as I'm doing"
"The wheels on the bus go round and round - Ring around the rosies"
"Mom, did you know there's nothing better than a letter?"
He got this from one of his PBS shows - he also learned how to spell "box" and I keep finding the word spelled on our fridge with his letter magnets - who said tv is bad for kids?
"Mommy, boys like dogs and girls like gum."
Alex sings all day long but she has started mixing up all of her songs. The other day she kept climbing up on her kitchen stool and jumping off. This is what she would say each time
"Ashes, Ashes - 1, 2, 3 - Blastoff!"
Some of her other frequent combinations are
"Jesus wants me for a sunbeam - Now I know my A, B, C's"
"Twinkle, Twinkle little star - Do as I'm doing"
"The wheels on the bus go round and round - Ring around the rosies"
Cookie Decorating

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
On Saturday we took our first ever trip to Ikea. It's in Pittsburgh, PA which is quite a drive for 2 little kids (especially ours) so it was an all-day event. For those of you who have never been before, they have a big playarea for kids in the store - but it's a drop-off/day-care type deal (free). As soon as we walked in Noah saw the ball-pit with slides and said, "Mom, I want to go play in the balls!" After checking things out I explained to him that he could play in there if he wanted to but that I couldn't stay with him - it was just for kids to play in while their mommies shopped. I fully expected him to say "nevermind" but to my utter shock and amazement he said, "Ok mom, I want to go play - you go shop." So I signed him, up and as I watched my kid run in with a huge smile on his face I turned around and started to cry. My little boy is growing up! That's a hard thing for a mom...but I was also so proud of him for being so brave and independent. I picked him up an hour later and he told me about everything he'd done and how much fun he'd had : )
Alex was too little to go in the play area, so she stayed with us. It was her naptime, so you can imagine how much fun she was. We had a great time anyways : )
Paul kept teasing me about spending over 4 hours in the car with our 2 kids just to buy a set of finger puppets, 6 plastic bowls, cups, and plates for the kids, and a new lamp for our dresser.
Alex was too little to go in the play area, so she stayed with us. It was her naptime, so you can imagine how much fun she was. We had a great time anyways : )
Paul kept teasing me about spending over 4 hours in the car with our 2 kids just to buy a set of finger puppets, 6 plastic bowls, cups, and plates for the kids, and a new lamp for our dresser.
Online Course
So this week Paul started a 2-week online class, which means he is not in the hospital. We've loved having him around so much more...I don't think we've seen him on a weekday morning for almost 18 months! The downside: HE IS HOGGING THE COMPUTER! Which means less blogging time for me. I can't really blame him, I mean it is an online course.
The other downside: it throws me off! I don't know how else to word it. One of the side effects of being a medical wife is that you develop a certain amount of independence - you have to, it's a survival mechanism. You get used to doing things a certain way, being the one in control, in charge, calling the shots. And suddenly someone else is there trying to do the same thing - who does this guy think he is? Oh yeah, my husband! Paul likes to tease me that I like it better when he's working 80-hour weeks (which I don't). I simply remind him how he's always telling me to be more independent - guess you got your wish honey!
I'm just teasing (mostly)! We love having you around - you're the best husband and father!
The other downside: it throws me off! I don't know how else to word it. One of the side effects of being a medical wife is that you develop a certain amount of independence - you have to, it's a survival mechanism. You get used to doing things a certain way, being the one in control, in charge, calling the shots. And suddenly someone else is there trying to do the same thing - who does this guy think he is? Oh yeah, my husband! Paul likes to tease me that I like it better when he's working 80-hour weeks (which I don't). I simply remind him how he's always telling me to be more independent - guess you got your wish honey!
I'm just teasing (mostly)! We love having you around - you're the best husband and father!
Spilled Milk
Last night I was in the shower and Noah came in to the bathroom cyring. He was upset because he had spilled his milk. I told him I would take care of it when I got out in a couple minutes. He walked into my room, just after I had gotten dressed and this was our conversation:
Me: Hey Noah, what's going on?
Noah (with a big sigh and a roll of his eyes): Come on Mom, I will show you the problem.
Me: Hey Noah, what's going on?
Noah (with a big sigh and a roll of his eyes): Come on Mom, I will show you the problem.
Apple Picking Pictures
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh, we love the Bob...and the lake

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sugar Cookies

Noah made it to preschool on time (am I a dedicated mom, or what?). The moral of the story is don't eat junk food before you go running - I'm probably the only idiot who's ever tried it though, huh?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Preschool Fieldtrip to Lake Farmpark

You can't tell by looking at any of these pictures, but Noah really did have a great time. Both of the kids loved it!
Monday, October 15, 2007
I love chubby little baby hands. I was helping Alex wash her hands today and as I looked at her hands I just had this overwhelming feeling of love for her. I don't know what it is about her hands - I want to kiss them and squeeze them! When I look at her hands I feel her trust, love, innocence, and sweetness. Sorry about the sappy post, but this is my family record. And this is something I want to remember and want my daughter to know.
So...Alex I love your hands and everything they tell me about you
So...Alex I love your hands and everything they tell me about you
Friday, October 12, 2007
Look Mommy, I spelled my name!
And no, I'm not a neglectful mother - I TRY to get the kid to wear something more than underwear but we had to compromise at just a shirt today. I'm freezing just looking at him! Considering that we only keep the house at 65 degrees all winter long (and that's when the heat is on) I'm a little worried about the kid. Can you get hypothermia or frostbite if you're wearing nothing but undies in 65 degree weather?
No heat until November 1st
That's what Paul says every year...and every year I turn the heat on in October : ) I was thinking, what with the warm weather we'd been having up until this week, that we might actually meet that goal this year, our last winter in Cleveland. But it seems to have gone from blazing hot to freezing cold in a matter of days. It's currently 49 degrees outside (and not much warmer inside). For today at least, the heat will stay off...but I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to hold out. Sorry honey, but I think we need to set a more realistic goal for ourselves : )
Friday Morning
It's 11am and we're all in our pjs. The past 2 weeks have been pretty hectic, Paul has hardly been home at all and we just needed to have a lazy, relaxing day. Ok, I did...but I think the kids like it too sometimes. No rushing around...nowhere we need to be. Sometimes a little less structure is good. So what have we been doing? Well, while the kids watched their morning cartoons I snuggled back under the covers with my book. I love snuggling under the covers on a cold morning. Noah helped himself to breakfast (a cold flour tortilla from the fridge). I finally fed Alex at about 10am. The kids and I made some hot chocolate together, which I'm so excited about. Hot chocolate is my morning ritual all winter long...mmmmm, I love it! Now, as I sit and blog I'm realizing that the kids have gotten out every toy we own. I have a stack of dishes waiting for me in the kitchen sink, a grocery list to make, and we need to go jogging. But right now, I'm going to sit on the floor with my kids and race some mathbox cars : ) The other stuff can wait...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The most recent invitations are from:
University of New Mexico
University of Minnesota
University of Wisconsin
Cleveland Clinic
and Mayo Clinic (Scottsdale, AZ)
Once all of Paul's interviews are scheduled we'll have to take bets...where will we be going for residency?!? I can't wait to find out!
University of New Mexico
University of Minnesota
University of Wisconsin
Cleveland Clinic
and Mayo Clinic (Scottsdale, AZ)
Once all of Paul's interviews are scheduled we'll have to take bets...where will we be going for residency?!? I can't wait to find out!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Swimming Accident

I've lost count now of how many times Noah has split his head, mouth, face, and nose open in the past year (but I know I can no longer count it on one hand). I guess boys will be boys...Paul has decided that Noah just "isn't very good at falling."
P.S. This picture is pre-face plant
Monday, October 08, 2007
Today I locked myself in my bedroom with my book and a Snickers Ice Cream Bar for 10 minutes of peace. It was great : )
Justification: Alex didn't take a nap today
Justification: Alex didn't take a nap today
Columbus Day Parade

Shark Lesson

90 Degrees...in October?!?
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Apple Picking

The kids and I went to Eddy's Fruit Farm on Wednesday and picked apples...it was a blast! I, of course, forgot to bring my camera. When I tried to get some pictures of the kids with their apples when we got home they were (obviously) less than cooperative.
Noah was so proud of how many apples he picked and that he could carry his really heavy bag around the orchard.
Alex kept shouting "Appa!" and tried to keep up with her big brother. She, too, insisted on carrying her own bag of apples but it kept making her fall down. She'd just say to herself "Hop-up Alex!"
Oldie but Goodie (oldy but goody?)

Daddy's Girl
Paul worked a 30-hour shift Friday to Saturday. Alex was so excited to see her daddy when he came home this afternoon I couldn't get her to part with him. Paul went to bed and Alex was laying by him...I thought for sure I'd have to come and get her in a few minutes, even though she too was due for a nap. I kept checking back and she was just laying there watching her daddy, or touching his hair...next time I looked in she was asleep, snuggled up to her daddy. I would have taken a picture but I'm pretty sure Paul would not appreciate everyone seeing him asleep in his G's : )
The perfect description of my children...
There Was a Little Girl
There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
My mom used to always say this about me too, when I was a little girl...so I guess I got what I deserved with my 2 kids. Geez, what a rollercoaster ride!
Quotes from the kids
Today Noah handed me a big blob of every color of play-doh we own all mixed together and said, "Mommy I made a craft for you! It's very interesting."
Every time I help Noah with something these days he responds with, "Thanks mom, I really appreciate it!"
Noah was sad last night that his daddy was on call and wouldn't be coming home until the next day. I was explaining that doctors have to stay at the hospital overnight sometimes to take care of the sick people. Noah then asked, "And daddys are doctors?"
I taught the preschool kids about the 5 Senses on thursday. That night we had french toast for dinner (I know, I'm a gourmet chef). Noah was putting powdered sugar on his tongue and said, "Look Dad, I'm using my 5 senses to taste sugar!" At least I know the lessons are sinking in...sort of : )
I took the kids to the library the other night (Paul has had to work almost every night this week) and the kids were so good - especially Noah. He was so funny, cheerful, polite, and especially sweet and patient with Alex. I kept praising him and when we left I said, "Noah thanks for being so good tonight, I had so much fun with you!" Noah gave me a big smile and said, "It wasn't a naughty day mommy!" Maybe I should just start asking him first thing in the morning if today is going to be a naughty day or a nice day...at least that way I'd be prepared!
After dinner last night I let the kids have a treat, the Mike & Ikes their grandma sent them. Alex was sitting in her high chair and pretty soon I hear, "Dis is yuty - hea mom!" (translation: this is yucky - here mom) She had sucked all the coating off the Mike & Ike and didn't like the chewy center. She did this with every single piece: Sucked on it, chewed the center into a gummy sticky wad, then held it out to me repeating her new phrase "This is yucky - here mom!" She couldn't just leave them on her tray...I had to come and get each used up piece of candy or she would just keep repeating herself over and over and over again! It was pretty funny - she still surprises me sometimes with how much she can say
Today Noah handed me a big blob of every color of play-doh we own all mixed together and said, "Mommy I made a craft for you! It's very interesting."
Every time I help Noah with something these days he responds with, "Thanks mom, I really appreciate it!"
Noah was sad last night that his daddy was on call and wouldn't be coming home until the next day. I was explaining that doctors have to stay at the hospital overnight sometimes to take care of the sick people. Noah then asked, "And daddys are doctors?"
I taught the preschool kids about the 5 Senses on thursday. That night we had french toast for dinner (I know, I'm a gourmet chef). Noah was putting powdered sugar on his tongue and said, "Look Dad, I'm using my 5 senses to taste sugar!" At least I know the lessons are sinking in...sort of : )
I took the kids to the library the other night (Paul has had to work almost every night this week) and the kids were so good - especially Noah. He was so funny, cheerful, polite, and especially sweet and patient with Alex. I kept praising him and when we left I said, "Noah thanks for being so good tonight, I had so much fun with you!" Noah gave me a big smile and said, "It wasn't a naughty day mommy!" Maybe I should just start asking him first thing in the morning if today is going to be a naughty day or a nice day...at least that way I'd be prepared!
After dinner last night I let the kids have a treat, the Mike & Ikes their grandma sent them. Alex was sitting in her high chair and pretty soon I hear, "Dis is yuty - hea mom!" (translation: this is yucky - here mom) She had sucked all the coating off the Mike & Ike and didn't like the chewy center. She did this with every single piece: Sucked on it, chewed the center into a gummy sticky wad, then held it out to me repeating her new phrase "This is yucky - here mom!" She couldn't just leave them on her tray...I had to come and get each used up piece of candy or she would just keep repeating herself over and over and over again! It was pretty funny - she still surprises me sometimes with how much she can say
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Little Mommy
Alex is becoming quite the nurturer, and very attached to her baby dolls. They go everywhere with her! She used to sleep with her bunny but now it has to be the baby. The other day Alex was playing with/emptying out the diaper bag. She spread out her diaper changing pad, gently laid her baby in the middle of it, and then covered her with her little travel blanky. So cute! Today I put her in her crib for naptime and then realized I'd forgotten her baby doll - I went and found it and when I handed it over to Alex she gave it a huge hug and yelled, "Hello baby! I missed you!" It sounded a little more like "hedo baby! Imssdew!" What a sweetie
Good Morning
I woke up this morning to Alex belting out the ABC's from her crib. A minute later I heard Noah wake up with a giggle and say, "Good morning Alex!" I heard the rustle of the curtains as he looked out the window and exclaimed, "Look, it is a good morning baby!" What a great wake-up call! Impossible for me not to roll out of bed with a big smile on my face this morning : )
Note: Apparently a "good morning" to Noah is grey cloudy skies. That's what happens when all you know is Cleveland.
Note: Apparently a "good morning" to Noah is grey cloudy skies. That's what happens when all you know is Cleveland.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
If you guessed this post was going to be about the Twilight series you guessed right. I can't move on!!! I finished the third book last friday and I have been in a state of semi-depression ever since. I've read every inch of the authors website (extras, outtakes, etc.) and decided on Monday that it was time for me to start a new book...time for me to move on. I read the first chapter of my book and slammed it down in frustration. I'm just not ready! Since then I've made a playlist (also found on her website) which I listen to all the time just to ease the withdrawal symptoms. What am I going to do with myself?
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Need Help!
Ok, does anyone have any tips for dealing with an almost 4-year old who is into defiance, temper tantrums, and complete and utter meltdowns (we're talking total loss of control here)? Is this normal?!? Paul is seriously starting to wonder if something is wrong with Noah and I am seriously questioning my ability to raise a child that will be able to function normally in society. You may think we are exaggerating or overreacting...my children are usually well-behaved for others. But you know it's bad when you're having an FHE lesson on anger management (Paul and I need it just as much as Noah does right now). If you can relate, please post your comments, tips, or simply commiserate with me. If not...keep it to yourself : )
Alex's favorite phrases
"Here Mom!" (Should an 18 mos old being referring to her mother as "mom"? What happened to mama or mommy?)
"Have it!" (translation: give it to me now or I will TOTALLY freak out)
"Mmmm...Like it!" (you cannot eat in front of this girl unless you plan to share whatever it is you have)
"Have it!" (translation: give it to me now or I will TOTALLY freak out)
"Mmmm...Like it!" (you cannot eat in front of this girl unless you plan to share whatever it is you have)
Preschool Lesson
I taught the kids about germs today. I guess the lesson hit home with Noah because I overheard him teaching Alex about "gims." Then they proceeded to scrub down the dining room chairs, table, and floor with baby wipes. Works for me!
Sparkling, but not clean
That is a perfect description of my house right now. It was my turn to teach preschool today and 2 of my activities/crafts involved glitter. When the other moms showed up to get their kids they all praised me for being brave enough to use glitter. Trust me, it wasn't bravery it was stupidity. See, the thing is, I have little to no experience with crafts. Why? Let's just say I'm not a crafty kind of girl. So, it didn't even occur to me what a mess glitter makes or how hard it is to clean up or how it sticks to everything it touches and spreads throughout the house...you get the idea. The funny thing is I don't really care. I used to be such a neat freak (borderline OCD really) but the past 4 years of raising kids has really put my tolerance level through the roof. You'd be amazed what I can live with : )
Monday, October 01, 2007
Twinkle Little Star
Ok, so I missed the first line of the song but I'm so excited that I got this on video! Alex LOVES to sing, she sings all day long (just never for the camera). Her repertoire includes: Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Popcorn Popping, Old McDonald, and her all-time favorite Twinkle Little Star.
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