Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Need Help!

Ok, does anyone have any tips for dealing with an almost 4-year old who is into defiance, temper tantrums, and complete and utter meltdowns (we're talking total loss of control here)? Is this normal?!? Paul is seriously starting to wonder if something is wrong with Noah and I am seriously questioning my ability to raise a child that will be able to function normally in society. You may think we are exaggerating or overreacting...my children are usually well-behaved for others. But you know it's bad when you're having an FHE lesson on anger management (Paul and I need it just as much as Noah does right now). If you can relate, please post your comments, tips, or simply commiserate with me. If not...keep it to yourself : )


The Larsons said...

Unfortunately, I need help probably more than you do! :) I hope it is just the age. I just came in from putting Cooper in quiet time. I asked him, "do you want to make mommy cry, because you are about to!" Can't wait to read others' advice!

Sarah said...

Unfortunately I have no advice, I need it myself!! I thought that part of it was that Anna just has crazy girl emotions, so it's nice to know that moms of boys have to deal with it too! She is SO dramatic and the whining drives me crazy. If I figure out anything that works I'll definitely let you know, but just know that you are not alone!!!

forget laundry said...

I can definitely relate. Dylan and I had the worst month last month- and now we are having out best. I don't know exactly what the change was...but we tried to stop disciplining as much as possible and spend as much one on one time together as we could (both brandon and I). We tried to only be positive- almost over the top. I stopped saying "no" just because it was convinient and really tried to respect his needs. something clicked...in him and me. hopefully this helps.

Carrie Anne said...

When you figure it out, call me and let me know...I am just hoping Rebecca makes it through her teenage years without me sending her to boarding school...or checking myself in! Honestly, though, remember that he is still a child and nothing he could possibly do right now is worth too much discipline...meaning that he is still a child-they aren't capable of doing too much that they are aware of. He is an innocent soul. You know what I mean? And, make sure he's getting enough sleep every night. My kids are from another planet when they don't get enough regular, good sleep. I say this as an idealist, you know, so take it for what it's worth.:) I just read in an article about how many kids are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD when really they just need more sleep and less stimulation. That's one take on it I guess! And by the way, love the U2 quote. Isn't Bono just so sexy even though he is super old?:)