Thursday, September 27, 2007
Portland, Oregon
Paul has been invited to interview at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon. The interview is scheduled for early December and we're really excited!
Where have I gone?

Monday, September 24, 2007
My new obsession

Confused parroting
We were in Target today and I couldn't find what I was looking for. Noah, once again picking up on my frustration said, "Jeepers-craps!" This would be a combination of "Jeepers-creepers" which Paul always says, and "Crap" which, apparently mommy says a little too much...oops : )I stared at him for a moment and then turned my back and silently laughed hysterically. I think he noticed though because I heard a little giggle come from him. I turned to him and told him nonchalantly that those weren't very polite words and we shouldn't say them. But a few minutes later, when I asked him to help me look for something, I heard him mutter under his breath again "Jeepers-craps"
Unsolved Mystery
I went jogging with the kids this morning, our usual route around the lake. After playing at the lake for a few minutes (long enough for Noah to fall and scrape his OTHER knee) I loaded the kids back into the stroller for our jog home. Alex had her pretty pink crocs on when we left...but when we arrived home they were gone. Both of them (although I don't know what I would do with just one). I was not happy. I was also too tired to jog back to the lake and back home again, so I threw the kids into the van and we drove our route, scouring the sidewalks for a pair of little pink crocs. No luck! How could that happen? It only takes us 12 minutes to jog home from the lake, how could they have disappeared so fast? I kept telling Alex she was a naughty girl, but for some reason, no matter how stern I am when I say it, she thinks that's funny. When we got inside this was my conversation with my kids:
Alex: Show! Show!
Mom: Ok, mommy will turn on a show for my little naughty girl
Noah: And for her really nice, good, big brother!
So, no more pretty pink crocs for Alex...oh well, at least now I don't have to worry about her leg being amputated by an escalator : )
Alex: Show! Show!
Mom: Ok, mommy will turn on a show for my little naughty girl
Noah: And for her really nice, good, big brother!
So, no more pretty pink crocs for Alex...oh well, at least now I don't have to worry about her leg being amputated by an escalator : )
Friday, September 21, 2007
Leaning Tower of Chocolate?

I learned today (the hard way) that I'm not very good at stacking cakes. Oh well, this chocolate cake may not look appetizing but it tastes great! I'd share the recipe with you but you probably already have it (see back of Hershey's Baking Cocoa box) : )
Alex did not get to enjoy the fruits of her labors, she was fast asleep by the time this piece of art was finished. Noah however, enjoyed a nice big slice before bed. I said, "Isn't it delicious?" He paused for a minute then replied, "'s just good." Well, I didn't know I had a chocolate connosieur on my hands. I think it's delicious anyways, and so does Paul!
Little Bakers

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Another interview invite...
Paul got an invitation to interview at Wake Forest University, in North Carolina. We'll continue to keep you all updated : )
Immunizations for Alex

Yesterday was Alex's 18-month well-child visit. Alex HATES going to the doctor. She's clingy and whiney the whole time and doesn't cooperate with the nurses or doctor. I admit that, with both of my kids, I cried the first time they got shots as newborns. But we've been through it enough times by now that I've toughened up considerably. So I wasn't prepared for my tears...But this time Alex remembered and knew what was coming. As soon as the doctor left and the nurse walked in Alex started clinging to me and sobbing hysterically, "Owie! Owie! Owie!" It was heartbreaking!
Another bug story...

Smarty Pants

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Expressions of frustration...
Yesterday was a very busy day - visiting teaching, errands, birthday party. We came home exhausted and ready to take a break. We got to the back porch and the screen door was jammed shut - it really wouldn't budge. We tried the front door but it's always locked and we don't have a key for it. Then we tried the neighbor but he wasn't home, so we went back to the porch and tried the back door again. I was struggling with it and the kids could tell I was frustrated. This is what they had to say:
Noah: "Ooohhhh, this is re-dick-alis!" (interpretation - ridiculous)
Alex: "Gosh dangit, gosh dangit, gosh dangit!"
Apparently that's the worst thing they've ever heard me say - thank goodness : )
And yes, I did get the screen door "un-stuck." Why doesn't Noah ever call me a superhero?
Noah: "Ooohhhh, this is re-dick-alis!" (interpretation - ridiculous)
Alex: "Gosh dangit, gosh dangit, gosh dangit!"
Apparently that's the worst thing they've ever heard me say - thank goodness : )
And yes, I did get the screen door "un-stuck." Why doesn't Noah ever call me a superhero?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Congratulations Paul!
So, Paul may have posted a list of all the schools we applied to for residency, but he neglected to tell you that he has already received his first invitation to the Mayo Clinic!
Congratulations Paul! I'm so proud of you and I love you!
Congratulations Paul! I'm so proud of you and I love you!
Crazy Alex

Not a good picture, I know. But what you are seeing is the beginnings of Alex's "crazy face" caught on camera for the very first time! This is truly miraculous! I never thought it would happen. For those of you who have never witnessed it in person, I'm sorry, I can't even begin to describe or explain it to you. It's just something she does when she's really wound up and excited. It's like she's suddenly lost all control. It's hilarious...and frightening. You never know what's she's going to do next when she makes her "crazy face."
Scary Alex
Pretty Alex...Pantless Alex

I took these pictures the other day because I just thought Alex looked especially cute - pretty pigtails, pretty shirt, and...wait no pants? That's right, Alex who always wants to be like big brother, has started taking off her pants as well. People are going to start to wonder what we're teaching our children in the Gunn household. I can assure you that Paul and I do not remove our pants when we walk through the door (although Paul would probably prefer that we did).
P.S. Alex thinks she needs to have her face pressed up against the camera lens to get her picture taken - the only way I could get anything other than a close up of her mouth and nose was to catch her running at high speed around the dining room table...I'll take what I can get : )
Noah got baptized!

After oreo cookies Noah and Alex were taking a bath together. I got Alex out first and stepped out of the bathroom for a couple minutes to get her diaper on. I know, I know, you're never supposed to do that...and I did get freaked out for a minute because when I poked my head around the corner to check on Noah I couldn't see him. I raced over to the tub and found him like this...laying on his back, submerging his head (but not his face) underneath the water. He smiled up at me and said, "Mom, did you know I got baptized?" Hilarious! At least he's not afraid of it anymore. I took him to his first baptism about 6 months ago and after Noah watched the kid get dunked he looked at me and whimpered, "Mommy, I don't want to get baptized!"

Oreo Piggies
Noah's first painting!

For preschool all the kids bring a backpack with certain items - scissors, glue stick, sitting mat, paint shirt. Noah has been most excited about the paint shirt. When I picked him up from his first day of preschool he told me all about it on the way home. Then he said, "But mom, we didn't paint!" His one dissapointment. Luckily his second day of preschool did entail a paint project. The mom who taught that day told me Noah was more excited than any of the other kids and wanted to go first (they were taking shifts). But then he realized that the teacher needed to trace his body onto the poster first - he flat out refused. So they traced another little boy for Noah and Noah still got to paint a picture of himself. He was so proud we went right home and hung it in his bedroom. When I asked him why he didn't want to get traced he said, "I thought it was pretty scary." I said, "That's not scary." Noah started giggling and admitted, "I was too shy!"
P.S. Notice that Noah is holding one leg of his shorts up. Remember that scraped knee he got on Labor Day, while I was running the 5K? Yep, that's it. It's been an ordeal for the past 2 weeks! He wants a band-aid he wants it off but he screams and cries because it hurts to take it-off...he's re-opened the wound several times and caused it to bleed again which totally freaks him out...and, most importantly, he cannot STAND for any piece of clothing to touch band-aid or scab (he reminds me every time I help him dress/undress). So, yes, he's been walking around with his shorts held up for 2 weeks. There's hardly any scab left but he's obviously not going to stop until it's completely healed. What a weirdo - he always looks hilarious walking around in public with his shorts pulled up almost to his underwear, his white thigh exposed : )
Another Perfect Day (almost)
Saturday was great...Another crisp cool, fall-like day. Since our kids have nothing but shorts, tank-tops and flip-flops we decided to head to the outlets and get the kids outfitted for fall/winter. Those of you who have ever ridden in a car with my 2 children will understand and appreciate how much courage this took on our part...It is a 45 minute drive. I was so proud of Paul for being willing to take a family outing all in the same car : ) The kids did miraculously well on the way there. We headed straight to Baby Gap, caused a little bit of a scene and a very big mess, with the kids pulling everything off hangers and shelves. Noah wants to pick out his own clothes now and Alex is obsessed with shoes (she gets that from her dad...really). Noah kept trying to put something in my shopping bag and I kept taking it out without paying much attention and he finally snapped at me, "Mom, I want to buy these undies for Alex!" I have no idea why, but yes, he did have a package of little girls pink panties. What a helpful brother : ) After spending way too much money (growing kids are ridiculously expensive) we headed over to Stride Rite - Alex was happy as can be to try on hundreds of pairs of shoes - Noah, on the other hand...after bribing, pleading, threatening and cajoling we finally resorted to chasing him through the store (which he of course thought was hilarious) and holding him down just to hold a shoe up to the bottom of his foot. After that the kids and I headed off to the playground while Paul looked for a shirt and tie to wear with his new "interview" suit. No luck for Paul, unfortunately.
We drove through Wendy's and raced home (with Alex screaming half the time because she didn't want to share the Sprite with Noah) just in time for babysitting group. The family we swap with wanted to go test-drive some cars and the dealreships are closed at we were scheduled to babysit from 3-5 and then we'd take our kids to their place from 6-8 for our date night. Alex was talking a nap, their little boy Caleb was falling asleep in my lap, and Noah and Ammon were least that's what we thought they were doing. We could see them sitting in the dining room with the paper and crayon box out and they were laughing and having a great time together. Noah walks in a few minutes later with a look I know all too well - that guilty smile. I think he's thinking something like this: Mom, I want to tell you what I did because I'm so proud, but I know you won't be. Here's how our conversation actually went:
Noah: Mom, I've been cutting
Me: With your scissors?
Noah: Yeah
Me: What have you been cutting?
Noah: Ammon's hair!
I thought I was going to throw up. I raced over to Ammon who proudly showed off his new haircut...I brushed the top of his head with my hands and big chunks of hair fell to the floor. Panic. I was sure his parents would never trust us with their kids again or even want to have anything to do with us. Luckily, that was not the case. They thought it was pretty funny actually. I have to admit, I was relieved he'd cut a little boy's hair, who can get a buzz cut, and not a little girl's (like Alex)!
An hour later we were dropping our kids off and heading out for date night, just me and Paul. Considering what we'd spent on the kids clothes that day Paul suggested we head to McDonald's. We probably would have if it wasn't in the ghetto : ) Instead we treated ourselves to a shared burritto at Chipotle and a stroll through the book store. It was great! I don't think we'd have made it happy and sane through med school without date night.
That was our almost perfect Saturday - minus the haircut and I'd have called it perfect! Sorry to bore you all with the details, but for me it was one of the funnest days we've had as a family recently and I want to remember it (ok, I know "funnest" is not a word but I like it). Hope you all had a great Saturday too!
We drove through Wendy's and raced home (with Alex screaming half the time because she didn't want to share the Sprite with Noah) just in time for babysitting group. The family we swap with wanted to go test-drive some cars and the dealreships are closed at we were scheduled to babysit from 3-5 and then we'd take our kids to their place from 6-8 for our date night. Alex was talking a nap, their little boy Caleb was falling asleep in my lap, and Noah and Ammon were least that's what we thought they were doing. We could see them sitting in the dining room with the paper and crayon box out and they were laughing and having a great time together. Noah walks in a few minutes later with a look I know all too well - that guilty smile. I think he's thinking something like this: Mom, I want to tell you what I did because I'm so proud, but I know you won't be. Here's how our conversation actually went:
Noah: Mom, I've been cutting
Me: With your scissors?
Noah: Yeah
Me: What have you been cutting?
Noah: Ammon's hair!
I thought I was going to throw up. I raced over to Ammon who proudly showed off his new haircut...I brushed the top of his head with my hands and big chunks of hair fell to the floor. Panic. I was sure his parents would never trust us with their kids again or even want to have anything to do with us. Luckily, that was not the case. They thought it was pretty funny actually. I have to admit, I was relieved he'd cut a little boy's hair, who can get a buzz cut, and not a little girl's (like Alex)!
An hour later we were dropping our kids off and heading out for date night, just me and Paul. Considering what we'd spent on the kids clothes that day Paul suggested we head to McDonald's. We probably would have if it wasn't in the ghetto : ) Instead we treated ourselves to a shared burritto at Chipotle and a stroll through the book store. It was great! I don't think we'd have made it happy and sane through med school without date night.
That was our almost perfect Saturday - minus the haircut and I'd have called it perfect! Sorry to bore you all with the details, but for me it was one of the funnest days we've had as a family recently and I want to remember it (ok, I know "funnest" is not a word but I like it). Hope you all had a great Saturday too!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Residency applications
So I sent my applications to anesthesiology residency programs in this week and these are the places we applied:
University of Washington
Oregon Health and Science University
Stanford University
UC Davis
UC San Diego
University of Arizona
University of Utah
University of Colorado
University of New Mexico
University of Minnesota
Mayo Clinic
University of Wisconsin
University of Iowa
University Hospitals of Cleveland
Cleveland Clinic
Duke University
Wake Forest University
Now we just wait to be invited for interviews. We won't find out where we'll going until March 20.
University of Washington
Oregon Health and Science University
Stanford University
UC Davis
UC San Diego
University of Arizona
University of Utah
University of Colorado
University of New Mexico
University of Minnesota
Mayo Clinic
University of Wisconsin
University of Iowa
University Hospitals of Cleveland
Cleveland Clinic
Duke University
Wake Forest University
Now we just wait to be invited for interviews. We won't find out where we'll going until March 20.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Today's quotes from Noah
I was giving hugs to Noah and Alex and Noah said, "We love alls each others!"
I overheard Noah say to Alex, very seriously, "Alex, daddy is a superhero"
I overheard Noah say to Alex, very seriously, "Alex, daddy is a superhero"
The Perfect Day
I've been feeling a little guilty...I think I talk/blog more about the rough moments I have with my kids than the good ones. Let's be honest, the bad days make for much more entertaining stories! But, I wanted to have it on the record that the kids and I had a great day together this week. It was as close to perfect as you can come when you're broke, your husband is an over-worked med-student, and you have 2 toddlers : ) It was just a regular day - nothing super exciting or out of the ordinary...morning jog to the lake, afternoon trip to target, fhe. The kids were just so happy, sweet, and enjoyable to be around...THE WHOLE DAY! I think Heavenly Father knows I need those days every once in awhile - they keep me going. So, for anyone who's been reading my blog and wondering...I absolutely love my kids!
Today was the first day that has felt like fall - and I loved it! I took the kids to the JCC Park today - Noah was so excited he actually agreed to wear pants! I love getting out the warm clothes. Speaking of Roots sweat suit. I'm sick with a cold so after playing at the park with the kids this morning I came home and threw on my sweat suit...I instantly felt better, healthier, happier. Ok, slight exaggeration, I was not instantly cured, but it felt so good! This is the best sweat suit ever, I think everyone should have one. Oh, the simple pleasures in a comfy Roots sweat suit. Does it count as a "simple" pleasure if it's not free/cheap? Maybe the word I'm looking for is "splurge." Either way, thanks Mom and Dad!

Sticker Removal


Tuesday, September 11, 2007
First Day of Preschool!

So here's my goofy kid on his first day of preschool. He was so excited! He was running circles around Alex this morning chanting, "I'm going to preschool! I'm going to preschool! I'm going to preschool!" Noah was especially excited to use his backpack. He helped me pack it last night with all the necessary preschool supplies and then he wore it around the house the rest of the night. Among his backpack items were 2 of his most cherished possesions - toy airplanes, which he brought for show and tell because the letter of the day was A. Noah had asked me several times if I was going to stay with him at preschool and I explained several times why I wasn't - so I wasn't sure how he would react when I dropped him off. Well, Noah marched up to the front porch and was ringing Madison's doorbell before I even

Alex's reaction to Noah's first day of preschool was funny as well...When we came home, just the two of us, she had a silly grin on her face. She kept pointing back and forth saying, "Momma...Alex!" and giggling. I think she was excited to have some time alone with Mommy. But when I told her it was time to go pick up Noah she ran for the door chanting his name.

Monday, September 10, 2007
Yes, that's really me at the sewing machine

Sick? How about some red licorice for dinner

On Saturday afternoon Noah started acting sick - the telltale sign is that he's not constantly bouncing off the walls. He complained of a headache and he seemed to be running a fever. All he wanted to do was lay on mom's bed - with mommy of course. Paul had some friends over to watch the BYU game that night so there was dinner and treats out on the table. Noah was supposed to be watching a movie on the portable DVD player in my room. I went to check on him and found him asleep in my rocking chair with red licorice all over his hands, chest, and face. I'm sure that really helped! He woke up when I tried to take a picture of him, and when I tried to clean him up he got annoyed with me: "Mommy, I don't feel good and I'm really tired. I need to take a rest in your chair." And eat candy.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Attack of the Cleveland Ant

The other day Paul the kids and I were driving home from a friends house. We'd just barely left when Paul suddenly swerved and muttered something under his breath (he denies it was a swear word). I screamed and Paul said, "Something bit me!" He was wearing flip-flops and something had gotten his toe. "What was it?" I said. Paul said he wasn't sure and we kept going. Seconds later, another yelp and swerve from Paul. He's swatting at the car mat and trying to drive, I lifted my feet onto my seat and started yelling, and both of the kids started sobbing! "Well what do you think it was?" I said. Paul kept insisting he didn't know, so I of course assumed the worst and said, "Was it a rat?" Paul thought that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard - what I meant though, was a little baby mouse. That could live in a car right? I'm sure it would have plenty of food to survive in our car. So, after bite number 2 Paul pulled over and shook out the car mat - still no sign of the culprit. I kept my feet up on the seat while trying to console our terrified children and Paul got back in and drove with one foot. A few minutes later Paul yelled, "There it is! Give me the wipes! No not one wipe, the whole package!" I'm scrambling and screaming, the kids are bawling all over again and Paul throws the package of wipes at the ant crawling across the dashboard. He missed. Paul and I proceeded to argue about the wipes. I didn't want to give him the whole package because I didn't want bug guts on it. He said, "If I'm doing the killing I get to choose the weapon!" Fair enough. A few more minutes, we've finally calmed the kids again, and out of the corner of my eye I see the ant crawling up my window. Chaos erupts. Paul yelling "Get it!" me screaming hysterically and throwing the wipes package at the window, kids now screaming like they're being tortured. Missed again. We arrived home with no further incidents but we never did get the ant...The next day I drove everywhere with one foot up on the seat. Great parenting, huh? Our kids will probably be afraid of ants for the rest of their lives
This may sound like a ridiculous story to anyone who's never seen a Cleveland ant...those of you who have know what I'm talking about. This picture is the closest thing I could find : )
All About Noah
The preschool kids are playing a get-to-know you game next week for their first day of class and I got a list of questions to ask Noah. Here are his reponses:
1. Favorite toy - My airplanes
2. Favorite color - Green
3. What I want to be when I grow up - A Doctor
4. Favorite food - Fish
5. Name of pet(s), or pet they would like to have - I want a fish named Norman
Interesting that the pet he wants to have is also his favorite food...I was thinking about getting him one but now I'm a little nervous
1. Favorite toy - My airplanes
2. Favorite color - Green
3. What I want to be when I grow up - A Doctor
4. Favorite food - Fish
5. Name of pet(s), or pet they would like to have - I want a fish named Norman
Interesting that the pet he wants to have is also his favorite food...I was thinking about getting him one but now I'm a little nervous
Friday, September 07, 2007
Strip Tease

This nap turned into a 3-hour event. Noah doesn't usually take naps but when he does he's comatose. Waking him is futile - he doesn't even open his eyes, just sobs hysterically until you let him go back to sleep. So yesterday he finally woke up on his own at 7pm. What time did Noah finally go to bed last night? 1am. Frustrating, yes - but I have to say, when he wakes up from these naps he's the sweetest little boy you've ever met! But the night wasn't over for me...Alex is teething and woke up sobbing hysterically at 5am - I didn't get her back to bed until 6am. I fell back asleep, praying the kids would sleep in, but no such luck. Noah was up at 6:45am. Paul was on call last night and when he came home this morning he thought it was pretty funny that he got more sleep than I did. Oh, motherhood...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Jen and I had a lot of fun running together but we're obviously not in that great of shape because we were to out of breath to carry on a conversation. Our conversation over that 28min 30 sec run went like this:
"You doing ok?"
"Yeah, you"
"How's the pace?"
We're doing good"
"Keep it up"
"One more mile"
And that's it...Thanks for keeping me going Jen! Next step...10K!
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