We were all getting ready for church last sunday and I walked into the dining room and barely stifled my scream...however, I learned from our experience with the ant what the kids would do if they saw me freak out about a bug : ) But this was no ordinary bug climbing up my wall...in fact I had no idea what it was, just that it was big and FREAKY! I quickly and quietly rushed Paul into the room (in his towel) to show him. "Oh, that's just a centipede. Get a shoe and kill it" he calmly stated. Yeah right! That thing was like 3 feet long! Ok, more like three inches, but seriously...I was not about to go near it. Paul kept insisting there was nothing to be afraid of because it wouldn't hurt me. Why don't men get that fear of bugs is not a rational fear? I
know it's not going to hurt me but that doesn't make it any less terrifying...I mean, can you imagine that thing
crawling on you?!? So, I was standing guard in the dining room, waiting for Paul to come and kill it when I realized if I didn't hurry and blowdry my hair I would make us late for church. It wasn't moving much though so Paul and I decided it was safe to leave it where it was for a few minutes until Paul could get dressed and come take care of it. A few minutes later I hear Paul say, "Hey, where did it go?" Are you kidding me!!! We searched, but never did find it. So now, anytime I see something out of the corner of my eye, feel something brush against my skin, or sit down on the toilet (anyone seen
Arachnaphobia?) I freak out. I just know it's going to reappear...and Paul better be home when it does! This is what it looked like (seriously).
You need to talk to Lindsey Bentley! She is the same way. She covers an ant with a cup to wait for Chris to get home to kill it. I have to say I wouldn't have been scared killing it...but I WOULD be freaked that it got away! Good luck with that! Congrats on another interview too!
I was so excited to see your blog! I leave for a month and come back and everyone is gone! I was sad:( I had to laugh at your little story cuz the same exact thing happened to us! The centipede never did show himself again.....gross!
Oh I remember those bugs! EWWWWWWW! I killed so many of those things in Cleveland and they crawl so fast and EVERYWHERE! They are just gross and like dark, moist places...Cleveland is a dream for them! UGH! I hate those bugs! I'm sure it'll come back...they always do and it seems like there are thousands of them...not what you wanted to hear, I know.:)
We have also seen some of those. They are disgusting! The first time that I saw one I freaked out! They are so darn fast! Yuck!
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